There Goes My Hero

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

GCSE results!!!!

The day finally came where I got my exam results. Despite what people told me, I still wasn't confident in my results. The only one I wasn't too worried about was RE, this is because I did the short course last year and got an A*, this is half of my overall grade this year. So I knew I had a good head start. This is what I saw on the paper with my results on:

RE- A*
Double Science- AA
Art- A
Geography- A

English literature- A
Graphics- B
Maths- B
English language- B

Spanish- C

I am so overwhelmed! I didn't expect anything above C's in science and English lit ( I didn't even read 1984). I screamed when I saw my grades!!! I expected an A in RE, and B's and mostly C's. I knew I wouldn't get above a C in Spanish as I did the foundation paper, however I was expecting to see a grade D next to next to Spanish. Overall I thought the majority of my grades would have been C's. Its still sinking in how well I did.

I cant wait to see Mrs Harvey- once of my science teachers. The day before the first science exam she called me into her office and tried to convince me to do the foundation paper, of which you can't get any higher than a grade C. she thought i was going to fail science from the start! So much for encouragement from your teacher!

Monday, August 21, 2006

GlYn sHoUlD hAvE wOn!!! WaTcH tHe ViDeO bElOw To SeE wHy...

BTW I didn't Make the video above.. ..I'm not that sad! My blog needed some updating and I have nothing else to write about.
(appart from the fact i went camping at the weekend but that will take too long)

Thursday, August 17, 2006

After yesterday’s incident, I phoned the piercing shop in Stratford to ask what had to be done. The lady on the other end told me to go back in the morning and she would open it up again. Before I got off the phone, I made sure that it was going to be numbed. She laughed and said of course it will be. So off I went, I laid down, and I saw a thing that looks like a needle coming towards me. I i reminded her that i wanted it to be numbed. She said that she could use the cold spray as it is already partly open, so she used another kind of that doesn't numb it completely. The horror in me when she told me that! Knowing this my stomach became tense, making the pain worse as the needle like thing was jabbed through my stomach! That large prick i felt as it went though is one I will never forget. And this wasn't the end! it had to be done a few times to widen the hole, course it hurt less after the whole had been made, but seeing it go through me belly was enough to scare me. I think it was the most I have sworn in that short amount time. I was so relieved when it was all over and I could get up and go.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

At the beginning of the day my belly button looked something like the one on the left. I am pleased to say that the one on the left is not mine as it appears to be stretched LOL. This morning I was meant to be meeting up club at 10.30, I was about to leave, I looked at my phone and saw it was almost that time! So on my way there, as soon as I got off the main road I started to run. During the last few days my belly bar has fallen out a few times, but I have always felt it and put it back in. This happened again this morning while I was running; however this time I was unaware of the whole in my belly that was no longer being filled! When I got to club, I sat down and noticed it was gone! I looked on the floor hoping it would be there but it wasn't. I assumed it would be fine to be left for a few hours, so off we all went outside, discussing where to plant trees!

A few hours later I thought it would be a good idea for me to go home and put a belly bar in. So I got back, sterilized the bar, and tried to put it in. Usually it would just slide all the way through. But this time it wasn't the case! This time there was a barrier stopping it from sliding through!

I sat there for ages, wriggling it form side to side, giving it gentle pushes until I came to the conclusion that the only way it would go in would be for me to yank it through the part the had closed up! This was off course something I was not prepared to do!

So now, my belly looks something like the one on the right. Once again, I am pleased to say that this is not a picture of my belly but one of Google, as this time, seems to have been squashed rather than stretched lol. I’m going back to Stratford tomorrow to get it opened up again!

Monday, August 14, 2006

I cAn'T wORk BlOgS!!!!!! tHeY'rE SoOoOo CoNfUsInG!!!!

i'm trying my best to get this thing up and running but its like another language to me...i've given up! so i've decided to do the only thing that i can do and that is add another image that has nothing to do with the post. i feel the above image is one everyone should see!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

here i am about to publish my first post on my blog and i can't believe it! i honestly though blogging is a trap i would never get caught up in. i dont't really know what to blog about so i'm just going to say why i have started blogging. well, i have started to blog because of this msn conversation:

thomas says:
i have decided something
SaRaH says:
u gonna tell me wat it is lol
thomas says:
you are either gonna start your own blog or i will start one for you

hope you don't mind that being on there thomas lol. so there is my reason for blogging, or at least starting a blog, this may be my only post as i as i have loads of work to do before i start 6th form, and when i start i will be working non-stop.

incase you are woundering what the pictre has to do with it, it doesn't! i just thought i would add a picture of me and three of my friends to make it look less dull. even though the picture is kind of dull as its dark lol.

and why theregosmyhero? well i wanted to have save-the-planet but it is already being used, so i stole this name from a friend on bebo as i thought it sounded cool.