There Goes My Hero

Friday, September 22, 2006

A catwalk model is 5ft 9in tall and weighs just 7th 12lbs …. And that is just the average!

The size of today’s models has always been an issue that I have felt very strongly about. I used to like buying magazines such as glamour, but apart from the fact they were a waste of money, I stopped buying them because I decided that the models displayed were not setting a good example, due to the fact they are very different to what we see on a daily bases. Glamour models look this way because they are reflecting on catwalk models. Models should be creating a healthy body image for the world to follow, not an unrealistic one!

They clearly do not reflect the size of an average woman; which in the UK is a 12-14, I reckon catwalk models are about a size 6- if that! Also, I feel it is unfair that all models are so tall. I’m not expecting all models to be my height (a few centimeters under 5 ft), as I know that this is below average, however I feel that they should be the height of the average woman, which is 5 ft 4- much below the average model. I feel as though if they are going to have models above the average height, then they should also have them below the average height.

The majority of the time I don’t mind being the height I am, however I wouldn’t mind growing an extra few inches cause I know that being taller makes you appear slimmer- seeing these stick thin 5ft 9 models really doesn’t help! They set the example for the rest of the world as the celebrity’s copy them, and the public tend to aspire to the celebrities. It is for this reason why I admire people like charlotte church.

I know I have rambled on a bit, but the thing that I am trying to get across is that i feel models should reflect on the average woman rather than the select few, and I don’t feel it is fair to have one extreme and not the other......oh and the same goes for male models!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Anything is possible!

Yesterday my school had arranged two motivational guest speakers. When ever we hear of these things being arranged we all think 'right, time to go to sleep!’ as most of which can be very boring. We had our first about how we separate ourselves in society, and that we should 'cross tables' and come out of our comfort zones. At first I found it very interesting, however after about half an hour I started to drift.

The second guessed speaker of the day was just amazing. There are no words to describe how incredible and honorable it was to listen to his story. His name is Jamie Andrew, you may have heard of him and his incredible story. The speech went on for over an hour but I did not once feel bored. To give you an over view, he is a man who had a passion for mountaineering, who on one occasion got caught up in storm with a friend while climbing the French Alps. It was 4 days until rescue services came, however because of the weather conditions they were unable to be saved. His friend died that night, and Jamie told us yesterday that on that evening when he went to sleep, he didn’t think he would wake back up. Next day however he was still fighting, and thankfully the rescue services were able to save him this time round.

Due to frost bite and hypothermia, both his hands and feet had to be amputated. He had to learn everything from scratch, and became a reliant individual who could not do anything himself, from going to the toilet to doing up shirt buttons. He was forced to drop his active way of life.

However bit by bit he managed to get back into his old way of life, starting with small things then later onto bigger ones. He explained to us that it was great to go to bed at night knowing that he had always achieved something new. He told us that he never set his sights to high, and didn't set tasks that he felt were impossible. But with every task competed, he set a harder one which led him into doing things such as swimming, running, skiing, snow-boarding, paragliding, caving, orienteering and sailing, and eventually even mountaineering!

In April 2000 he climbed Britain’s biggest mountain raising £15,000 for charity. He later got back into rock and ice climbing, and even ran the London marathon of 2002 rising over £22,000 for charity. Along with all this he has climbed many other mountains, including one occasion where he was joined by 3 other disabled climbers, who together climbed Africa’s highest mountain raising 5,000 for charity.

The overview I have given above does not compare to the speech that was given yesterday by the man himself. He truly is amazing, and I think his story really does prove that when you put your mind to something as much as he has, you can achieve anything. His motto is "Remember, nothing is impossible!"

to find out more about his amazing story click here

Thursday, September 14, 2006

I should have been there!!!!

I just read Thomas’ post on the protest that he went on today which involved drumming for trade justice. Yesterday I was debating in my mind whether to go, I really wanted to, but I didn’t know if it was a good idea to miss lessons being in my first week. I decided that I would see how I felt when the day came, but I though I was more likely not to go.

So next day, I got into school, and when I got in the building I realized I didn’t have my 6th form pass. It was a sign for me to go! I had my first 4 lessons of the day in lower building, and the lady on the desk didn’t bother asking for my pass, however in the upper building they are really strict on it and tell you to go home without it! I though to myself 'result! I can go on the protest!' so when I walked down to upper building I expect to be sent away. I told the man on the desk that I had lost my pass, and he gave a look which indicated to me that he wanted me to go home. But.... he said he would let me in this time and that I had to get I pass sorted out for tomorrow. Why did he have to be so nice!? As convenient as it may seem, I genially did forget my pass this morning, and I really though it was a sign that I should have gone to the protest. the annoying thing is that if it was yesterday I could have gone as I had last two lessons free, and if it was tomorrow I could have gone as we have pastoral day- don’t ask! It’s a load of crap where we do rubbish activities!

What a pain! Anyway, great to hear that you all had a good time, and that I can now say I have connections with famous people!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

first week of non-compulsory education

During the week I have been back to Grey Coats for an induction to 6th form. My opinions of 6th form are so far so good. On Monday we just had to clarify our chosen subjects and pick two workshops out of five to take part in. Me and my friend decided to pick 'an introduction to mandarin' as we thought it would be a laugh. But we ended up not going as we decided sitting in the corridor chatting to people was more fun. After lunch we had out second work shop, 'a formal debate'. It was all about whether god was real. It was really interesting but unfortunately, feel it was spoiled by certain individuals who thought it was a call for them to mess around and talk over others. Why go to a debate of you're that sort of person???

its girls like that who I wish had left and gone to another 6th form or college, and considering how much they complain about the school you would think they would. However I'm happy to see that most of 'the fake tan girl's' and 'blup blup' lot have gone somewhere far away form me lol.

On Wednesday we went on a trip to Cambridge. At first I didn't want to go, I though what a waste to time! But it turned out to be a really good day, and the aim of the trip was success- to bond with new members of the year. And indeed, me and my friends did. I'm happy to see that so many cool people have joined the year group. During our visit there we went punting which was a great experience, and as we went along the river we got to see the place where Harry potter learnt to fly!!! Always a bonus!

Next day was circus skills which I wasn't exactly looking forward to but it was great fun. We got to play around doing little things like spinning plates and bigger things like unicycles. But my most favorite thing of all was the stilts. For once I got to know how it feels to be taller than the rest of my mates! At first I was useless, and the circus man threw me over his shoulder and carried me over to the wall as i could walk over there. I soon got the hang of it, but then fell over resulting in a bruised knee, and somehow even though I landed on my front I've hurt my back really badly!

It's been a great week; I hope that it is just as positive when lessons start next week. However somehow, I doubt it!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Its over!!!

11 weeks have gone so fast. it only seems like yesterday that I was doing my last exam (physics to be precise, the most boring one out of the lot (I don’t care about the life cycle of a star!)) which dragged on like hell! I remember clearly that to celebrate the end of the gcse exams me and my friends had a bbq that evening, and then went to Brighton the next day. That weekend I felt bad for not revising as I had been doing it so much during the weeks beforehand.

As mean as it sounds, it felt so good to be out of school doing nothing, while everyone else was in school working their socks off. I though I had a long summer ahead with nothing to do other than relax. Then came NRA day!

On NRA day they decided to give us a pack with of holiday work to do in preparation for our A-levels. I have ignored this for most of the holiday, hence why I still have over half left to do! It was NRA day when I realized how grateful i saw to be off school. I though I was getting bored of the holidays, but when I went back their for those few hours, I realized how much I hated some of those people and just wanted to get away again!

A few weeks later came Spain, and then as soon as that was over the summer holidays started for everyone else. Most of the summer from this point has been filled with activities from club. This annoyed my school friends as it meant they never saw me, so on the odd occasion they turned up outside club! And one time... even the climbing wall!

Summer club finished completely the day before my I got my exam results. Which was good as it distracted my mind from them. once I had got them, I felt as though summer was kind of over as it was kind of what the whole 10 weeks had been building up to. It was then when I decided that I should really get down to that holiday work!

Summer this year has gone so fast. Its been great, but I’m not sure the over eating and lack of exercise has been good for me! I feel like a dumpling! I’m looking forward to starting 6th form now. I will be doing subjects I enjoy (no more science yay!), and will have more freedom. But one of the best things is... I no longer have to wear that ugly uniform!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Use less plastic with Tescos!

I recently saw a Tesco advert on TV informing the public on the importance of using fewer carrier bags. I looked it up on their website to find out more and it says that every time you reuse a carrier bag they will give you a green club card point, of which can be used like any other. I don’t know how many people will actually care about the points they get, especially as it is only one per bag you reuse, and you have to take the carrier bags back to the shop with you which can b a bit of a pain. However I feel that it is a great way of not only getting people involved in helping the environment, but it also shows awareness on the importance of using less materials like plastic. People are more likely to make the effort to take their bags back to the shop to be reused now they are getting something out of it.

Hopefully it may make people think twice about using needless carriers in all supermarkets. I must say, it makes we sick when I see people using more carrier bags than what is needed, and I hate it when I don’t see people making use of the recycling scheme that have been introduced into households, especially as I feel there is no excuse with all the awareness that is around us.