There Goes My Hero

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

everybody needs a place to think!

its been a very relaxing day today, well for most of it anyway! started of not every relaxing, as i had to wake up at 8.30 (which is very early for me), alarm went off, and i kept turning it off every time and asking myself why the hell it was going off at such an hour. when i realised i was meeting sally at 10 at roastars! i dragged myself out of bed by 9.15, had left by 9.45. we arrived at Victoria station around 10.45 where we met 'THE MANDEM' to buy our Brighton train tickets.

later we got a short bus ride rite outside our school (i know what a silly thing to do during your half term)where we stopped of a ecco for a pizza. me and sally then left 'the mandem' and took a stroll up to south bank up to the London eye where we came across these bench's...

'everybody needs a place to think'

we stopped and did a typical girl 'awww' then sat down, and without even realising we were sitting next to each other in silence just thinking! everybody needs a place to think, i have found mine! i just wish it was little closer to home rather than school!

went home, had a little practice on the guitar, did a tiny bit of one of my many essays, then off to club where i was on the Verge to throwing something, anything at many individuals!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

lazy blogging........ barcelona pics...

climbing frame

out little group

river crew

apparently rocks might fall on your head while sitting up there (the other two are not meant to be there- trying to take my job away)

zoe, me ellie and sally in barcelona (shame its fuzzy)

this is a kiddy shop at the airport, the entrance im standing at i for the little kids, ahmed on the right is standing at the adults

looking very happy by the graffiti

ellie, sally and me taking a stroll on the beach