There Goes My Hero

Monday, October 30, 2006

When a fear becomes reality

On Friday night I was meant to be going to a peter pan based fancy dress party. However, turns out it was Saturday night and I wasn’t able to go! So, I spent my Friday evening chatting to my stalker on the phone when I saw a spider!

My fear of bailey sitting has always been that I might see a spider and my dad wouldn’t be there to get it. On Friday this came true! Usually my Nan can get them, but this one was on the ceiling! So I left it, hoping it would crawl down, but an hour later I realised that it wasn’t going to. So, I raided the house looking for some insect spray (for my Nan to use of course), but there was none! In this time bailey had spotted the spider, and was looking up at it meowing and trying to climb up the walls.

My Nan joined me on my quest to find insect spray, and she found a long stick (have no idea where she got it from). She started banging it on the wall hoping it would make the spider move, but it didn’t work. A while later she knocked it, causing it to fall and she them stamped on it. Bailey had his eyes pealed. She then said ‘have I got it?’ (Poking with stick) ‘Yea I got it’. I was in the corner, away from the spider cracking up, then she states ‘it’s handy this stick’ as she bungs it down looking at like she is the proud mother.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Atkins diet, Detox diet, Low-carbohydrate diet, Organic food, Macrobiotic diet, Low-protein diet .......... ain't you just fed up with it all?!?!

i'm on the sea food diet................

......i see food.....

......and i eat it!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

After the moan I had about not being able to go on the drumming for trade justice march, I am so happy I was part of the recent protests.

Although I was really tired as I didn’t get in until about 1.30 the night before, and that I hadn’t started my pile of homework for the weekend, I knew that I had to go to the stand up at brick lane. I would have felt like I had let myself down again otherwise.

The following Tuesday was the protest in Trafalgar square. Like the trade justice campaign, I really wanted to go but did not know if I should miss school for it. I knew I should have gone because of how much I regretted not going last time. That night I was hoping that my middle two lessons would be cancelled, however I though that this was just wishful thinking. The next day I went into school as normal, however on the way I almost turned to get the 15 Trafalgar square rather than head towards the tube. I got into school and attended double sociology, then decided that as soon as the lessons were over I was going to walk out. And I did walk out. However I was too late, the campaign at Trafalgar square was over. I was invited to continue protesting along with Thomas, josh and Roz on their own little protest at Downing Street, but I didn’t think it was worth missing school for.

So I headed back towards school when I saw a girl who is on my RE class waiting at the bus stop. I spoke to her and she told me that our RE lessons had been cancelled- just as I hope for the day before! So, I got the best of both worlds; I could still go on the protest, and not miss school!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

If we lived in an ideal world, what thing would you value the most?
This is what we were asked in my RE ethics class today. The overall question was ‘what we would include in our ideal life?’ We had to go around the whole class and say one thing that we would value most in our ideal life and why. I was amazed by what the class came up with collectively. Most common things included friends and family which I can understand, but what astonished me was the amount of people who said materialistic things such as having money and a nice house. I was the only person in the class who said a value that was not selfish and was for the benefit as the world as a whole. In my idea world, the thing I would value the most would be world peace.

My reasons being that world peace would mean people would no longer have to live in fear of things such as terrorist attacks, and needless deaths would no longer occur. Also, I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but if there was world peace then the whole would could live as one and be happy. My final and most important reason is that all the money that is wasted on nuclear weapons could be spent to help overcome poverty, and improve the destroyed environment. When I came out with the words ‘world peace’ I think people were thinking ‘why? This is an ideal world; you could have anything you want’. In an ideal world materialistic things would not matter, the elements that matter most are things such as poverty that those people find easy to be oblivious to, this is mainly because they feel there is not a direct effect on them. This ignorant view is one I will never understand.